Friday, July 8, 2011

ESB 4.10 Released

We are happy to announce the 4.10 release of JBoss ESB. It is now available for download at our project site listed below. The major features of this release are as follows:

  • Support for JBoss AS 6.0.0.Final
  • Drools 5.2.0
  • jUDDI 3.1.0 and the inclusion of the juddiv3.war
  • Scout 1.2.3
  • Smooks 1.4

and numerous bug fixes.

The project site is updated with binaries and documentation:

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release for your hard work!


Hans said...


are there any infos when JBoss 7 will be supported by the ESB?

Thanks in advance

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Linda said...

JBOSSESB team is doing a great job while providing such an essential information and downloads for the users. The ESB and SOA concepts are the fields of interest for me.