Thursday, November 22, 2007

A satisfied JBossESB user

I meant to reference this a few weeks back. It's always nice to get feedback from users who are deploying JBossESB in the field. I spoke with Igor about his application and why he chose JBossESB and this is what he had to say:

"I designed a complete framework for a health/wellness startup. It provides health and wellnes services to individuals and corporations/partners via the web and mobile phones. All requests from users go through a business process manager, which in turn orchestrates the process by invoking appropriate services via JBoss ESB. In some instances the logic routes the request to a local Spring managed POJO to execute the service. The same POJOs are actually handling requests via ESB. I created what I called SpringJbossEsbActionProxy to actually grab appropriate Spring managed POJO instead of instantiating a new service class for every invocation.

Though I am not a JBossESB expert, but I am happy I decided to use the product and will recommend it to my future clients.

Thanks for the blog entry Igor. If there are any others out there like this, let us know.

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